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2 Year Yoga-versary!

CPY turns two on 8/2. The last two years have been incredible. So many memories, amazing friendships, and special practices were shared. Thank you for all of it. This community is the absolute best. Please join us on Wednesday, 8/2, from 4 - 6 pm to celebrate! We’ll have refreshments, giveaways, and two special pop-ups. Cheers to two years!

In looking ahead, I’m excited to share some new classes and some big plans with you. Most of all, I look forward to seeing you in class.

In gratitude, Lorissa


"...exposure to nature can reduce blood pressure, muscle tension and stress hormones..."

If you want to deepen your yoga practice and connect with the natural world, practicing outside can provide numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being. With Fall on the horizon, it's the perfect time to slow down and notice the natural world's cycle for a sense of grounding and connection. Hear the sounds of birds and leaves rustling and breathe the fresh air. Our final outdoor classes are a great opportunity to take advantage of our earth's gifts by connecting with nature: Yoga in the Park on 8/10 and 8/22, Rooftop Yoga 8/5 and 8/19.

BUT no matter the weather, we have a class for you... so we hope to see you at the studio soon.





The Moonlit Collective Saturday, September 9 | 7 pm - 8:30 pm Magic happens when women gather in circles. Every month, thousands of women gather in sister circles worldwide. Join The Moonlit Collective for a time of community & setting intentions for the New Moon Cycle. We will offer a sacred space for each individual to share their story, their truth, and their wisdom (if they choose to).

Yoga Retreat at The Dundee September 15 - 17 Daily Vineyard Yoga, Brunch + Wine Tasting, Olive Oil Tasting & Picnic, Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Ride, Hike + Flower Pounding, Curated Meals, 2 Nights Luxury Accommodations SOLD OUT! Email us to join the waitlist.

Ghosh Yoga Immersion Weekend November 3 - 5 Mark your calendar for this special weekend of immersive practice and deep learning with Scott and Ida from Ghosh Yoga. More info coming soon.



We're happy to introduce our newest CPY Team member Kim Hoover. Keep an eye on our calendar for her new class announcements. 

"Hey, lovely humans, my name is Kim Hoover. I found my way to the mat through my meditation practice as a teenager in Edmond, Oklahoma, of all places (military family). I am blessed to come from a long line of women who practiced all sorts of what I thought of as mystical, healing arts as a kiddo. I first learned the principles of Ayurveda, Reiki, and regression therapies in Germany, and I completed my yoga teacher training in the tradition of heated Power Vinyasa Yoga in the city of Pittsburgh, 2017. Until 2022 when I moved to Oregon, I taught all levels, free park yoga, yin/restorative yoga, and heated/non-heated vinyasa flows. My personal yoga dream has long been to master the Ashtanga Primary Series and maybe teach it one day. I moved to Salem to infuse my doctoral studies of integrative medicine into the healthcare system—civil service to others being my off-mat yoga. In my classes, please expect to find a warm welcome, a slow build of sensational inner heat, and creative transitions, to remind us of the playfulness and ease we can find in the hardest turns of life. I am looking forward to practicing alongside you!"


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